- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They call it PMS because "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken. And as I said before, I never repeat myself.
- Julian Lopez
Friday, July 31, 2009
31 July
9:14 PM
Today... I don't know how to describe lar. This morning, I was damn pissed off with someone. It isn't someone whom I hang out a lot with. That's all I'll divulge... I'm still pretty irritated with the person. Anyway, mentoring... Most of us brought magazines to school for the montage thing. I think we're pretty slow actually. Then, later was MT which was free period for us. Then, recess... I went to play soccer but the small court and field was completely used for PE. I really hate it man! So we had to settle for simple passing on the track. I failed epicly... The ball went to the plants on the other side. It happened twice for me and once for Jason. People like Zhi Hao didn't even get it there once. After that, returned to class and I was walking with the ball when Jung Min came and kicked the ball. Ms Chan had to come at that time. Almost got it confiscated... Well, it wasn't my fault at all lor! She said I was playing... WTH lar! Anyway, later Physics... We did a practical which was pretty meaningless. I hate Physics practicals. They are really confusing. After Physics, lunch... Lunch was quite usual till I bought Mocha Breeze, drank it up, leaving about 1/6 of it remaining. I threw it into the bin. And that's when some drops of Mocha Breeze splashed on me. DAMN IT! I ½ cleaned it... Played soccer in the small court. 101 vs 102. 2-1, we win... As usual, Michael Owen, or Fernando Torres, as you can call me, scored both our goals. Then, we did something really out of the world. I mean I don't usually do this. In primary school, I was much better. I'm not telling what we did for fear that a teacher might come across this blog. Yeah, anyway, we returned to class for English and Ms Chan was already there, to our surprise. Joshua was really very very brave, I tell you.
Joshua: I lost my set of reading and couldn't download from Espace cos you didn't upload it there.
Ms Chan: Why aren't you standing?
Joshua: But luckily Zheng Huan helped me photocopy. (And he took out his set of reading.)
Teacher: Are you trying to test my patience?
Joshua: But you didn't upload it on Espace!
Anyway, later, cos he was talking, Joshua was asked to leave the class. Less than 10 seconds after he stood outside, he went to the water cooler. He's really pro!!
Later, for badminton, we had to go to Clementi Sports Hall cos our sch hall was used for some exam. Why can't they just use the audi for that??? Damn them lar... Make us walk to CSH! At CSH, I don't know why la but the coach asked me to use his racquet. Later, we played match. Brandon and I vs Yuan Han and Leon. Of course, we got thrashed... Then, Yuan Han and I vs Leon and Brandon. Got thrashed again... Bleh! I lazy to continue the post cos nothing much really happened after that. Oh yeah, back in school, I threw my racquet to Amelia in the field from the concourse. She caught it leh! I was stunned for a second. Then the Jerome incident... I called him when I was walking back from CSH. I told him to meet me in the canteen. He wasn't there so I went to class. I call him... He asked me to meet him at concourse. He wasn't there. Then, he asked me to meet him outside the gate there. I didn't believe him lor. I thought he went home already and was tricking me. But he was right... KK, i run away luh
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Belated Happy Birthday Jerome!
1:33 PM
Yesterday was Jerome's birthday and a holiday for us too. And I had many plans to sneak out somewhere or let someone come my house. But, nothing materialised. So, I played XBOX and com the whole day... YAY!
Today, Ms Chan didn't come so I just came to school for Maths and French. I'm now waiting for French to start. Ling Yan Hao and Andy came to school only for assembly. Andy - cos he vomitted in the morning near the water cooler and Yan Hao - cos he accelerate Maths and doesn't have third lang.
The Andy vomitting incident... I didn't witness it. Jerome narrated what happened... He vomitted in the water cooler and Jia Hao didn't even see the vomit and went to drink the water. WTH! He must be having Andy's vomit inside his tummy now. Poor dude... He even stepped on the vomit on the floor.
Today, during assembly, I was using laptop. Teacher didn't see cos she was standing right in front. But I didn't really do much. Only connecting to the network... Anyway, we went to com lab for Maths to do some task. After that, we played basketball, came back to class, used laptop, went for lunch, came back, used laptop and played soccer. Moneem, Jun Jet and I trashed Zhi Hao, Syazani and Enquan. 8-2, I think... Of course, all the goals came from me because I'm pro. You can call me Michael Owen or Fernando Torres. Only thing was that... one goal came from Enquan. It's called own-goal. Yeah... Basically, that's what happened so far in school.
PS: I forgot to say that I'm blogging in school....
Monday, July 27, 2009
7:23 PM
My posting is damn screwed. I can't change font or upload pics. I really don't know why. Damn! Atleast I can post... There's a reason why people call me the positive dude. Anyway, today...
Assembly was scary. We were up to our usual nonsense. This time, our supporters failed us. Zheng Huan was the culprit. He was laughing and didn't realise Mrs Chui staring at him. Then, mentoring was about some National Day Montage. I don't really care about it.
I learned something during English today. Never tell Eunice Chan that you spilled Ribena on your work. She thought I was lying. WTH la! Just because of that... I had to stand the whole lesson. Joshua and Dousy too... Then, there was this thing about resting your weight on the table with your hands. Eunice Chan scolded Joshua, Joshua pointed his finger at me, she scolded me, I pointed my finger at Dousy, she scolded Dousy...
Maths test... I didn't even study a bit. I don't wanna talk about it. Not that I found it hard. I did something ahem... during the test. History... Teacher didn't come so there was a relief teacher. I don't like the relief teacher. She didn't come into the class and tell us that we could do our own work in the classroom for 1 hour. I don't care anyway. Later, I played soccer with Gerald. We were crapping... We were practising headers and crosses with the small goal post. After lunch, I played with Zhi Hao, Syazani, Jason and the guy... who is suspected to be retarded. You know who he is. Then suddenly, I felt like my skills went missing. Like as though the other boys stole it...
Then later, I fooled Eunice that her ball was inside the big drain. It went extremely well till Mr David decided to take the ball for a walk. FAILED! Then, I played basketball. We kept stealing the netball from the 101 girls. We rock! They stone... Not long later, I stole Tan Rong's phone and found out that Winston is Claudia. Cool, huh?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
2:59 PM
I stole this quiz from Ass ar?'s blog
Answer True Or False.
Q:Ever kissed someone on your friends list? false.
Q:Been arrested? false.
Q:Held a snake? true.
Q:Been suspended from school? false.
Q:Sang karaoke? false.
Q:Done something you told yourself you wouldnt do? true.
Q:Laughed until you started crying? true.
Q:Caught a snowflake on your tongue? false.
Q:Kissed in the rain? false.
Q:Sang in the shower? false.
Q:Sat on a rooftop? true.
Q:Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? true. I fell in myself before too.
Q:Broken a bone? false.
Q:Shaved your head? false.
Q:Played a prank on someone? true. must ask meh?
Q:Shot a gun? false.
Q:Donated blood? false.
Last person...
1.You hung out with?
jerome, hansel
2.You texted?
3.You were in a car with?
my father
4.Went to the movies with?
jerome and andy
5.Person you went to shop with?
can't remember... i don't really like shopping
6.You talked on the phone with?
7.Made you laugh?
jerome again
8.You hugged?
hmm... jerome, i think. and mr lim saw us. lol!
Answer Truthfully.
Q:Sun or Moon?
eeks! ask me when i'm gonna die and i'll still say moon. i hate mr sun!
Q:Winter or Fall?
Q:Left or Right?
Q:Sunny or Rainy?
Q:Where do you live?
Q:Club or pub?
Q:Are there 1 or 2 people who you can trust or rely on?
Q:Do you want to get married?
Q:Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Q:What time is it?
Q:Are you afraid of COMMITMENT.
Q:What is you greatest hope/wish?
got a lot... for example, that i get to stay home alone and also get my racquet back
Q:Do you cook?
sometimes... mostly assisting to the cook
Q:Current mood?
annoyed cos a tiny bit of my lunch is stuck on my teeth and can't be removed with my tongue. i go floss later...
In the last 48 hours have you...
1. Kissed someone? no
2. Sang? no
3. Listened to music? Of course!
4. Danced crazy? no
5. Cried? no
6.Liked someone you cant? wth! like someone in 48 hours??? no...
1.Who was your first prom date?
never had one
2.Who was your first roommate?
if family not counted, then ram... that time, the immersion programme
3.What alcoholic drink did you drink the first time you got drunk?
i never got drunk
4.What was your first car?
toy car
5.Where did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
i can't remember
6.Who was your first grade teacher?
ms chu (not chu yun sil!!)
7.Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
uh... must ask my parents. but i think it's japan
8.When did you snuck out of your house for the first time?
i did a lot of times... i can't remember
9.Who was your first best friend?
i forgot his name
10.Who is your best friend?
jerome, chang joon
11.Where was your first sleepover?
uh... my grandparents house in m'sia, i think
12.Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
tinkle friend
13.Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid/Groomsman?
??? i never was one. is there such a thing as flower boy? nvm, i was something like that in uncle jarod and aunt lydia's wedding
14.Whats the first thing you do when you got up this morning?
scold my mum for waking me up... she woke me up at 6+ leh! i was damn tired... i slept for a while longer anyway
15.First tattoo/piercing?
16.First celebrity crush?
never had one
17. First crush?
never had one
2:23 PM
WTH! I passed my electone exam by 1 point. I got 0 which is good enough to pass. The Salad Song, I got C and C (0 points). The Chicken Little song, I got B and C (B is 1 pt). Sight Playing, I got C (I expected B). Then Improvisation, I got D and D (-1 points x 2 = -2). Hearing saved me... (B and C) I'm damn lucky sia!
I haven't been talking about school... You have to forgive me. I've been really busy slacking. Anyway, yesterday, we had mentoring. And Mrs Chui was talking about the spam emails. It was a waste of time, if you asked me. I didn't find the meaning of talking to us about that. Oh yeah... Before that, the announcements. Mrs Chui gave us all the letter that the school is declaring Jerome's birthday a holiday. Jerome, you lucky poop! Then, Mr Suresh was talking to the school about the school holiday. In the General Office, he was reading off the letter Mrs Chui gave us. He might as well ask us to read ourselves, right?
Later, MT... Chang and I were playing soccer. But the Sun came over cos he needed the small court for PE for his class. I really wanna kill him. Anyway, we atleast had some time to play. We played one-on-one. I won! It's damn funny! I curled the ball around him both ways, right and left and scored. Then, I kicked over him and scored too. He was damn pissed. So he cheat. He pulled me and whenever, I broke free and scored, he'd say foul. He's really funny, I tell you.
Physics... I didn't do the assignment. So I did on the spot. Teacher didn't realise, fortunately cos I'm right at the back. Then, we didn't do any activity. It was entirely a lecture.
English... Ms Chan and her usual boring self.
CCA! Finally, after more than 2 months, I played badminton again. Fortunately, I didn't lose a lot of skills. I played a while and was back to my old self. Then, the school change coach again. I hate this man! My racquet is still with Aaron Tan Wei Kiat. He said he'll restring but he ran away. I'll have to ask Sun for his number. Anyway, the new coach is quite unique. He doesn't look at our shots but rather our footwork. Then, later... He serve the shuttle and we have to return it. He's damn fast man! The only bad thing about him is that he talks a lot. He has a lot to share and so, we have less training time. Later, Brandon and I playing singles. I won the first set. The last part, I was a bit shaky. I was leading 17-10 and then I made mistakes and the game ended 21-16. Second set, I trailed him almost the whole game by 1 or 2 points. He made me run a lot. Then, got one rally... I run to the back and sprinted to the front and fell. Then, he hit in front... I didn't miss. But I missed the next one after I recovered. You know why? Because of 3 idiots! Wendelyn, Vanessa and Ischelle. I saw them and said "Ass ar?" I missed immediately. They shall die! Oh yeah, I had this motto during the game. "Go for the kill!" I'll kill him in the third set next time...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
5:36 PM
Today, I had the funniest ride on the train in my whole life. Jerome and I encountered two mental retards. Seriously! Retarded as act like those people in IMH. I'm not joking.
The first guy... Jerome was doing sudoku and I was helping him. Suddenly, retard no.1 came along... He was grinning retardedly and "shooting" us... the toddler kinda way! I responded... the same shooting way. Then, he go shoot me at close range! Less than 5cm from my face... WTH! Then, we just ignore him. He's retarded man!! Then, Andy said he's lucky that he only on the train for one stop. DAMN HIM! We're stuck on the train with a retard for don't know how long! He alighted at Dhoby Ghaut anyway.
2nd retard... He's an old man. He looked damn stupid, I tell you... He wore a tie and tried to look smart. But what he did was stupid. He stood like he was doing a stunt. Like a balancing act... The type where you bend your knees and stand like a ninja. Then later, got one empty seat. He point fingers. He point at some random dude and pointed to the seat. To make him sit lah...
Jerome and I were laughing too hard. My stomach hurt man!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
2:55 PM
OH MY GOD! I passed my electone exam!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it... I wasn't supposed to be knowing today. The results were out from Plaza Sing on Thursday and somebody from our centre was going to collect it on Monday. But our teacher had an informer in Plaza Sing... 2 others from my class passed but my sis failed :(... Yeah, anyway, I'm done with this post. Just needed to share good news... Nvm, I'll talk about MO too...
Basically, I was listening to my mp3 the whole time and wasn't really concentrating. It's pretty much the reason why I didn't complete the assigned task. So, I brought it home. I lazy to do... Anyway, our class boys are so lame. We keep disturbing Kevin. Yi Rong was damn funny. Everytime he spoke to Kevin, he ended his sentence with "you faggot". So it's like... blah blah blah, you faggot! LOL...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
7:22 PM
The purpose of this post is mainly to give Mr Jerome Chong some fame... The first pic looks wrong but... nothing! I'm seriously feeling damn lousy. I can't go to school! During lessons, I get bad headaches. And my nose is not letting me inhale. I have to use my mouth. Nothing new in school these days... Today, I took my Chem quiz. I died. But I was reincarnated. My classmates did the exact same quiz. I should have just asked them! Even during the quiz, I had the temptation to call some people to check answers for me. But I didn't cos I don't take steroids. Anyway, I busy... Got Chem and Physics to hand in tmr... KK, I removed the pics for obvious reasons.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Yes! I didn't go school!!
10:06 PM
Today, I didn't go school cos I managed to convince my parents that I really wasn't well. Next, I have to try the same for tomorrow. I woke up at like 8.15 and finished up the instant noodles that was left on the oven. Later, I was told that that wasn't my breakfast. Anyway, after that, I wasted time till evening... Today, people had to take the Chem weird quiz. I managed to escape. I might just have to take it the next time Ms KOH sees me. I sleepy already... I took Panadol, Zyrtec and some weird thing. I'm as good as drunk. The only difference is that I don't do stupid stuff.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm ill!!!
8:27 PM
Last night, I went to bed, well and fine... At 2+am, I woke up cos I sneezed and the disgusting stuff was coming out. For 1 hour, I couldn't sleep because of that. I really sneezed a lot! And consequently, I woke up 15 mins late. I went to school with a blocked nose. The sneezing really was freaking annoying. I used up my whole tissue packet.
Temperature taking... I forgot my pencil case in my catechism bag. Thermo was inside. I had to go GO. (i had to go go... lol!) The people there were really weird. For about 6 months, I brought my thermo like a guai boy everyday. For the first time, I forgot it. And the GO people were like: "Why didn't you bring your thermometer??" It's not the type of tone which demands a response. It's the tone which is as if I just annoyed them.
Fast forward... English! Boring... Maths! Mrs Chui realised that I was feeling unwell and asked whether I wanted a mask and whether I wanted to go home. I declined both... My temperature was fine anyway. But my headache was really bad.
I regret three things I did today.
1. Play soccer 2. Buy cold drinks 3. Play basketball
Just now, I tried to sleep off my headache. I really couldn't because of my nose. I don't know how to describe. I think I not going school tomorrow... I really can't. Home-based learning then?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
12:14 AM
First MO advanced training... The trainer's name is Dr Chua Seng Kiat. I somehow believe I've seen him before. It's RECMEL leh. The people who came to Rosyth last time. I really have this feeling that I've seen his face before. If I'm not wrong, it was the MO at Rosyth. Haikal and I were creating trouble for him that time. I think it's the same guy... I didn't ask him to confirm my suspicions. But I'll probably ask him next lesson. Anyway, he was wasting time with his intro today. He kept talking about random stuff like using calculators, the IMO, TYS. Yeah, those miscellaneous stuff... Anyway, I went for electone after that. I was like 45 minutes late. I wanted to get back my results but I didn't. If I don't get next week, I'll complain! jkjk...
In the evening, sis and I went to Hearts on Fire thingy at CJC. First person I saw was No-L (Noel). He was his usual self, the talkative sort. But he was sleepy today. A while later, I saw Nicholas, the cool guy. Nicholas is weird I tell you... But so am I. When the thing ended, Nicholas was worrying a lot about which bus would take us home. We took 151 anyway. It was about 10.30.
Then, went to Mac's and I ordered an Extra Value Meal but that person didn't give the fries! Then, I asked my sis to go ask the person for me. Then, Nicholas asked me to be a man. My excuse: I'm a gentleman. I don't want to embarass Mac's in front of everybody. When we were about to leave, the rest of the Nativity gang came in with a cake. Then I saw Gareth and Kenneth. They claimed they went for the Hearts on Fire but I didn't see them. Obviously, they're lying... I'm being biased. Yeah, I don't care!
Friday, July 10, 2009
8:48 PM
Sometimes the ones you trust most are the ones who hurt you most... I'm not going to elaborate and narrate what happened. Some people already know... Obviously, Jerome is one of them. Yesterday, we had English and Math and French. And lessons were quite normal. Interesting things happened... Eunice's ball went missing... obviously stolen! Ananda trying to act cool and landed Gerald's ball in the huge drain. Today, as Jerome and I were walking to the bus stop, we noticed that it was really very very easy to get the ball. Currently, I have completely no idea how Gerald got back his ball.
Today, mentoring was boring... MT was weird. Jung Min and I captured some pics... Then, Physics was boring again. But as usual, the handphone temptation was present. Later, we played soccer during lunch. We took Joshua's ball without permission. That bugger damn selfish... Not giving details... English was basically the presentations. We all had the plan to delay time. So the solution was to ask a lot of questions. In 70 minutes, only 3½ presentations were done. Amelia Thai EXPRESS was supposed to present today. She had this video which lasted only 2 seconds. She claims that it's supposed to be 6 minutes long. But she can't hide the truth from me. She didn't even complete lor! Her video only shows her saying good morning to Ms Chan and nothing more... Then, during Dawn or Dousabel's presentation, Ms Chan just lost her tolerance. She heard Hiu Fung tell some people to ask a lot of questions to delay time but she claimed that she saw through it herself. Again, she can fool anyone but not me... After school, went Subway @ Vivo with Jerome.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
6:52 PM
It's 3 weeks to Jerome's birthday... I've been wondering what I should get him. But of course, I won't tell anyone. It's a secret that isn't meant to be revealed. Today was really fun and funny. First, ACE! We did the learning style quiz kinda thing. We did that before in Rosyth GE. The visual, auditory and kinesthetic one... I'm kinesthetic!
Teacher: Who got very dominant learning style? (Means like very obvious like that) I raised my hand Teacher: What's yours? Me: What do you think? Teacher: (thinks for a while) Might not be kinesthetic... Me: (starts laughing)
Anyway, we played soccer later. It was really one of the most epic ever... Jerome and Hiu Fung were quarrelling. Of late, Hiu Fung has had heaty arguments with quite a few people. The other day it was Gerald and previously, Benjamin. I'll probably be next... The court was really slippery. I fell a few times. Probably, the most... Joshua fell once and pulled me down along with him. One time, I fell and twisted my knee. I was limping but after a while, it was okay. But the pain didn't go... I couldn't run much for the rest of the day. Later, Maths... We just started on Matrices today and apparently, reached page 9, excluding the examples. Teacher was complaining that we were too far behind schedule. After temp taking, we went to play soccer but very few were playing. So we just took shots. Out of about 10 shots, not more than 2 went in. 3 were completely out of target and about 4-5 hit post. That's epicness... We went back for HUMANities and argh, boring! That was until Joshua asked Mrs Lim if she was Mr Lim Teng Hong's wife. He's damn daring! Then later, someone voiced: "Andy Lim!" LOL! OMG... This was really funny. MT was after that and CJ and I went to have lunch. After lunch, we went to see the CL people. Their teacher didn't come... And they were still stuck in class. Choose freedom, dudes! We went to play soccer. Took shots until Vivek and Charles came... Played a match. Then, they chose new team and went to play in the field. Dominique show off, he join them. We were happier without him. Then, we played some unfair game with Jun Hyeok and co. We won 1-0... It was damn damn damn damn damn funny!!! The one and only goal came from Zheng Huan! But it was an own goal... Amidst, the confusion, I attempted a shot and with Zheng Huan's assistance, the score favoured us. Jun Hyeok came very close to scoring from a free kick. Shao Wei blocked... And the ball actually hit his *down there*!!! LOL! ZOMG... Da Vinci was so-so...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
7:38 PM
Today was quite scary... Teachers were damn amazing. Mr Sun asked me to shut my mouth cos I complained that Jun Jet wasn't doing warm up. He's such a loser! But I don't care about him cos he failed as a sex ed teacher. He lost his dick to an idiot. Earlier, we played soccer. I scored two and could have made it 3. Jun Hyeok blocked the penalty. Bloody idiot! As much as I hate him now, he hates me cos I scored two goals. Joshua made it three with an awesome penalty. PE was ultra boring and stupid today. I didn't understand the significance of what we did. Later, chem... Well, it was quite fun la. On the tutorial worksheet, they ask what was the state symbol of elemental bromine, chlorine and iodine. The elemental part I change to mental and said Eunice was mental. The way she was behaving was really mental. But suddenly, Ms KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) came out of nowhere and started questioning me why I was making fun of chem terms. That was super funny. Chem was fun lar... Played soccer again and scored again! Yes! I even scored from left leg. That proves that Julian is great. No need to ask for autograph... French now! Actually, it was fun also. Except for the part teacher kept asking me why I wasn't taking notes. Then, at times, I was talking to Joshua or Jeremy and he glared at me for like 7-8 seconds. Scary sia! e
Sunday, July 5, 2009
My weekend... (so far)
3:34 PM
Yesterday, I went electone class. Argh, it sucked! Even the teacher could see I was bored... Reason: My usual organ was shifted out and what was in its place was one of the suckiest organs around. And I didn't get back my exam result. Nothing much after that... Today, I went West Coast Plaza for the sudoku competition. I managed to complete 3/4. But Gerald was really pro! He completed all... Only thing is that he screwed one up because he put two of the same numbers in one box and he claims he anyhow do the rest. Then, on our tables, got 3 small cartons of some Marigold drink. Nothing inside... I wanted to take them home and fool someone. But they didn't say we could take it. Inside our goodie bag got some $5 vouchers. Then later... LUNCH! We were just ready to eat at Subway. That stupid Amelia lar! She wanted Mac or FCK (KFC). So I scissors, paper, stone her and lost pathetically. I didn't even win one and argh!!! I don't wanna talk about it. Amelia Thai Express will pay for this. I don't care! I lost because she had steroids.Then, we took bus to Clementi Central and went FCK. I had Banditto. It was damn nice cos they just reintroduced it. But Subway would have been better. After eating, we played tap tap.
1. Eunice used steroids and won Gerald. 2. I won Gerald although Gerald took steroids. 3. Gerald wouldn't give up. He wanted a rematch but Eunice and her steroids proved too strong for him. 4. Eunice vs Hui Min (steroids vs steroids) The battle of whose steroids were more effective. 5. I vs Eunice.... I almost beat the steroids. Actually, I gave her a chance cos later I scared she eat me up.
Then, there was the prank calls which failed epicly. Ahh, then went home...... LOL! On the MRT, Eunice sleeping. It was really funny. She sleep until her head like very hyperactive. Cannot stay still. I wanted to take photo but I was in the midst of playing a hp game. Oh yeah, I remember taking photos of Jerome sleeping on the train before. But it's stored in that lost phone. SAD....
Friday, July 3, 2009
got owned...
6:32 PM
Today was really fun... First, my whole group screwed up the pledge. Eunice, Hui Min, Jerome and I used left hand for the pledge. Shao Wei scratching his ass made it even funnier. As soon as we were told that we could sit, all 4 of us burst out laughing. Lol, you know where we learned about this left hand thing? It was from Mr Chong Shao Wei. Some days ago, he used his left hand by mistake and quickly switched when he realised it but too late... I saw it! Later, Chang Joon and I were in the canteen cos I didn't finish my Physics. Yeah, then later, my French teacher came.
French teacher: Good morning, Julian! (french) Me: Good morning... (french) French teacher: What are you doing? (french) Me: My homework (english) French teacher: What's homework in French? (english) Me: I don't know. (english) French teacher: (Whatever he said... de voir or something. I didn't really catch it) Me: Oh... French teacher: Is it Maths? (french) Me: No, physics... (french) French teacher: Oh, physics...
He gave me a real scare, you know! The past two French lessons were utterly screwed up. He asked us stuff and when we said we didn't know... He would scold us as though he had taught us before and we forgot. Anyway, later, we played soccer... Today, I found myself getting back to my usual self. We beat our opponents 5-0... I scored 2! One free kick, one damn nice high ball... Jerome was seriously amazing today. The way he played... just astonished me. There was one time, he made a shot at goal which was really damn gay. Shao Wei keeper and he actually saved it... But!!! Jerome really made laugh till my stomach hurt when he did something really amazing. He took a penalty when somebody handballed. Shao Wei saved his penalty... I couldn't find anything funnier than that...
Anyway, later Physics... And we got our new groupings. In front of me is a very big monster by the name of Tan Wrong. She really blocked my view of the screen. Other people in my group are Chang Joon, Kevin, Joshua and Yinan. Later, we did an activity. Only the boys did actually... The girls only took the answers. Anyway, while we were doing the activity, Hiu Fung, Jerome and Andy (who were in the same group) were playing dare or dare. Weird stuff happened... Nothing scandalous enough though.
English was damn fun for the first time. Chang Joon's presentation was simply the best today. It was really funny. One of his 5 objects was an umbrella. His idea was something related to protection. Umbrella protects people from the rain. Then, people started talking about Chang Joon being scared of water. Questions were raised... Chang Joon was scared of bathing? He should take an umbrella with him into the bathroom next time. Another of his objects was Ms Chan's laptop! The idea was about modern technology. Everyone was really amazed at his creativity. He used an object that he didn't even bring (although he brought his own one) and didn't even belong to him. Okay, that's about all today...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Day 4 at school.... (this sem, duh?)
7:47 PM
Today, um... Where do I start? Okay, English first, I guess. Yun Sil was supposed to go first but she didn't bring her 5 objects or something... So, someone else had to go first and that was (drumroll)............................... JEROME! Haha, he was quite pitiful. His slides were good. Eye-contact wasn't there. That was probably the only drawback till I made it worse. Cos I was his peer-reviewer... Teacher asked to ask Jerome a question or give comments. I made a big error. I asked him a question. I thought it was an easy one. Turned out that he took a few minutes (I don't know to think or what) and didn't even answer. I asked him to state a few qualities of the main character. He managed to answer the next few questions luckily. My presentation was quite good, I guess. I said some crap but Eunice Chan managed to approve of it somehow. Yeah... Then, Maths later. Nothing really happened. After that, eventful! Many things happened... My locker was hacked. I won't tell you how though. We played soccer. I simply sucked today. Because of me, about 5 goals went in the wrong goal when we played today. Not own goal but because of bad defence... I'm really guilty but it's normal. But I managed to score! We played this game... I bad defence and a goal went in... Then comeback campaign took less than 30 seconds. We scored 2 goals! Pro, right? No doubt... Then, Gerald didn't want Jun Hyeok and Dominique to play cos he really ticked him off on Tuesday. But then, when we were going to the field, two idiotic assholes told Dominique we were going to play. Seriously, they were bitches! Why did they? But anyway, we trounced them 6-4. I scored two, I think. One was supposed to be a free kick but they didn't form a wall so it was kinda penalty but it was too far to be a penalty. Jun Hyeok was keeper but I managed to score. The other goal(s) I forgot le... But I'm seriously off-form. Ok, talk about badminton... I saw Leon today at 5th floor. Then, we were talking about I scold Johnny for putting chairs and tables in the hall and after I scold, Leon play. The whole conversation evolved into a whole lot of crap. Argh, no CCA tomorrow because of stupid MOE. I love badminton but it's been ages since I held the racquet. Besides, my racquet is with the coach. DAMN! Best one somemore...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
10:31 PM
Second post today... I'm really bored. So I'll talk about random stuff. Yesterday, we took height and weight. I am 161.5cm and 44kg. Amazing? Yeah... Today, we saw Da Vinci teachers. They are.... Ms Lim and Mr Valles! About Ms Lim, I'm plain neutral. About Mr Valles, I'm simply happy. Last sem, we had the worst teachers. This sem, our teachers rock! Okay, new topic... Today, ACE finished a few mins earlier so we were about to Mrs Chui about Facebook. We asked her stupid stuff like what's her level in Restaurant City and rank in MouseHunt. It was quite funny... New topic! Um, no CCA this week... Like wth! Not fair lor... New topic! Got construction going on outside our class and it's super distracting sia... They said they'll keep the noise minimal. My head ar minimal! New topic! Today, during humanities (I call it humanities cos the module is history, geog and econs combined), we were talking about Development and ideas that are related. Our group started talking about PS4 and XBOX 361. We said that it was the product of future development. Then, we came up with Osama and said that he is an imminent threat to development. I tell you... with Jerome beside me, there has never been a day when he hasn't made me laugh. Andy... There has never been a day when he hasn't made racist remarks and teased me and somebody. K lar... I stop liao
School's started...
8:25 PM
School started on Monday, sadly. I really don't get MOE and MOH. They should act responsibly by closing schools. The number of cases is now 701. We beat NZ, Spain, Panama, Dominican Republic and Indonesia. Soon, we'll overtake HK. Nvm, let's talk about school... Monday was cool. Nothing really interesting... We met our Humanities teacher. She's the teacher who scolded Chang Joon and I at X-country for no reason. We didn't even do anything wrong. We were just joking with people. There was nothing offensive. Anyway, she seemed quite fun. But I still hate her for scolding us.
Yesterday... was funner cos there was French. Yeah, anyway, um, we have a new dude in French. He's a Year 3 guy. He's a nerd, no doubt. Then, while Chang Joon, Andy and I were in the canteen, Jerome told me something happened at the table tennis place. Dominique was being a bitch again. But this time, it was Gerald who got pissed and hurled vulgarities at him. Seriously, Dominique is a arrogant show-off. Later, we were playing soccer. He go kick the ball freaking far and didn't want to take it. He said he wasn't playing anymore and walked off. Somebody retrieved the ball and immediately, he was back. He is simply too proud. And I HATE HIM!!! He can go and die...
Today, we had ACE in the morning. The subject was career-based. Teacher was talking about choosing the right career. And she was promoting teaching as a career. And I seriously considered it. But there are so many other options out there... Teaching doesn't pay that much. That's about the only disadvantage. But I love children. Yeah, whatever! No one brought a ball today so we couldn't play soccer. K lar, nothing much happened. And I gotta go too. My mum is calling...
Friday, July 31, 2009
31 July
9:14 PM
Today... I don't know how to describe lar. This morning, I was damn pissed off with someone. It isn't someone whom I hang out a lot with. That's all I'll divulge... I'm still pretty irritated with the person. Anyway, mentoring... Most of us brought magazines to school for the montage thing. I think we're pretty slow actually. Then, later was MT which was free period for us. Then, recess... I went to play soccer but the small court and field was completely used for PE. I really hate it man! So we had to settle for simple passing on the track. I failed epicly... The ball went to the plants on the other side. It happened twice for me and once for Jason. People like Zhi Hao didn't even get it there once. After that, returned to class and I was walking with the ball when Jung Min came and kicked the ball. Ms Chan had to come at that time. Almost got it confiscated... Well, it wasn't my fault at all lor! She said I was playing... WTH lar! Anyway, later Physics... We did a practical which was pretty meaningless. I hate Physics practicals. They are really confusing. After Physics, lunch... Lunch was quite usual till I bought Mocha Breeze, drank it up, leaving about 1/6 of it remaining. I threw it into the bin. And that's when some drops of Mocha Breeze splashed on me. DAMN IT! I ½ cleaned it... Played soccer in the small court. 101 vs 102. 2-1, we win... As usual, Michael Owen, or Fernando Torres, as you can call me, scored both our goals. Then, we did something really out of the world. I mean I don't usually do this. In primary school, I was much better. I'm not telling what we did for fear that a teacher might come across this blog. Yeah, anyway, we returned to class for English and Ms Chan was already there, to our surprise. Joshua was really very very brave, I tell you.
Joshua: I lost my set of reading and couldn't download from Espace cos you didn't upload it there.
Ms Chan: Why aren't you standing?
Joshua: But luckily Zheng Huan helped me photocopy. (And he took out his set of reading.)
Teacher: Are you trying to test my patience?
Joshua: But you didn't upload it on Espace!
Anyway, later, cos he was talking, Joshua was asked to leave the class. Less than 10 seconds after he stood outside, he went to the water cooler. He's really pro!!
Later, for badminton, we had to go to Clementi Sports Hall cos our sch hall was used for some exam. Why can't they just use the audi for that??? Damn them lar... Make us walk to CSH! At CSH, I don't know why la but the coach asked me to use his racquet. Later, we played match. Brandon and I vs Yuan Han and Leon. Of course, we got thrashed... Then, Yuan Han and I vs Leon and Brandon. Got thrashed again... Bleh! I lazy to continue the post cos nothing much really happened after that. Oh yeah, back in school, I threw my racquet to Amelia in the field from the concourse. She caught it leh! I was stunned for a second. Then the Jerome incident... I called him when I was walking back from CSH. I told him to meet me in the canteen. He wasn't there so I went to class. I call him... He asked me to meet him at concourse. He wasn't there. Then, he asked me to meet him outside the gate there. I didn't believe him lor. I thought he went home already and was tricking me. But he was right... KK, i run away luh
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Belated Happy Birthday Jerome!
1:33 PM
Yesterday was Jerome's birthday and a holiday for us too. And I had many plans to sneak out somewhere or let someone come my house. But, nothing materialised. So, I played XBOX and com the whole day... YAY!
Today, Ms Chan didn't come so I just came to school for Maths and French. I'm now waiting for French to start. Ling Yan Hao and Andy came to school only for assembly. Andy - cos he vomitted in the morning near the water cooler and Yan Hao - cos he accelerate Maths and doesn't have third lang.
The Andy vomitting incident... I didn't witness it. Jerome narrated what happened... He vomitted in the water cooler and Jia Hao didn't even see the vomit and went to drink the water. WTH! He must be having Andy's vomit inside his tummy now. Poor dude... He even stepped on the vomit on the floor.
Today, during assembly, I was using laptop. Teacher didn't see cos she was standing right in front. But I didn't really do much. Only connecting to the network... Anyway, we went to com lab for Maths to do some task. After that, we played basketball, came back to class, used laptop, went for lunch, came back, used laptop and played soccer. Moneem, Jun Jet and I trashed Zhi Hao, Syazani and Enquan. 8-2, I think... Of course, all the goals came from me because I'm pro. You can call me Michael Owen or Fernando Torres. Only thing was that... one goal came from Enquan. It's called own-goal. Yeah... Basically, that's what happened so far in school.
PS: I forgot to say that I'm blogging in school....
Monday, July 27, 2009
7:23 PM
My posting is damn screwed. I can't change font or upload pics. I really don't know why. Damn! Atleast I can post... There's a reason why people call me the positive dude. Anyway, today...
Assembly was scary. We were up to our usual nonsense. This time, our supporters failed us. Zheng Huan was the culprit. He was laughing and didn't realise Mrs Chui staring at him. Then, mentoring was about some National Day Montage. I don't really care about it.
I learned something during English today. Never tell Eunice Chan that you spilled Ribena on your work. She thought I was lying. WTH la! Just because of that... I had to stand the whole lesson. Joshua and Dousy too... Then, there was this thing about resting your weight on the table with your hands. Eunice Chan scolded Joshua, Joshua pointed his finger at me, she scolded me, I pointed my finger at Dousy, she scolded Dousy...
Maths test... I didn't even study a bit. I don't wanna talk about it. Not that I found it hard. I did something ahem... during the test. History... Teacher didn't come so there was a relief teacher. I don't like the relief teacher. She didn't come into the class and tell us that we could do our own work in the classroom for 1 hour. I don't care anyway. Later, I played soccer with Gerald. We were crapping... We were practising headers and crosses with the small goal post. After lunch, I played with Zhi Hao, Syazani, Jason and the guy... who is suspected to be retarded. You know who he is. Then suddenly, I felt like my skills went missing. Like as though the other boys stole it...
Then later, I fooled Eunice that her ball was inside the big drain. It went extremely well till Mr David decided to take the ball for a walk. FAILED! Then, I played basketball. We kept stealing the netball from the 101 girls. We rock! They stone... Not long later, I stole Tan Rong's phone and found out that Winston is Claudia. Cool, huh?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
2:59 PM
I stole this quiz from Ass ar?'s blog
Answer True Or False.
Q:Ever kissed someone on your friends list? false.
Q:Been arrested? false.
Q:Held a snake? true.
Q:Been suspended from school? false.
Q:Sang karaoke? false.
Q:Done something you told yourself you wouldnt do? true.
Q:Laughed until you started crying? true.
Q:Caught a snowflake on your tongue? false.
Q:Kissed in the rain? false.
Q:Sang in the shower? false.
Q:Sat on a rooftop? true.
Q:Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? true. I fell in myself before too.
Q:Broken a bone? false.
Q:Shaved your head? false.
Q:Played a prank on someone? true. must ask meh?
Q:Shot a gun? false.
Q:Donated blood? false.
Last person...
1.You hung out with?
jerome, hansel
2.You texted?
3.You were in a car with?
my father
4.Went to the movies with?
jerome and andy
5.Person you went to shop with?
can't remember... i don't really like shopping
6.You talked on the phone with?
7.Made you laugh?
jerome again
8.You hugged?
hmm... jerome, i think. and mr lim saw us. lol!
Answer Truthfully.
Q:Sun or Moon?
eeks! ask me when i'm gonna die and i'll still say moon. i hate mr sun!
Q:Winter or Fall?
Q:Left or Right?
Q:Sunny or Rainy?
Q:Where do you live?
Q:Club or pub?
Q:Are there 1 or 2 people who you can trust or rely on?
Q:Do you want to get married?
Q:Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Q:What time is it?
Q:Are you afraid of COMMITMENT.
Q:What is you greatest hope/wish?
got a lot... for example, that i get to stay home alone and also get my racquet back
Q:Do you cook?
sometimes... mostly assisting to the cook
Q:Current mood?
annoyed cos a tiny bit of my lunch is stuck on my teeth and can't be removed with my tongue. i go floss later...
In the last 48 hours have you...
1. Kissed someone? no
2. Sang? no
3. Listened to music? Of course!
4. Danced crazy? no
5. Cried? no
6.Liked someone you cant? wth! like someone in 48 hours??? no...
1.Who was your first prom date?
never had one
2.Who was your first roommate?
if family not counted, then ram... that time, the immersion programme
3.What alcoholic drink did you drink the first time you got drunk?
i never got drunk
4.What was your first car?
toy car
5.Where did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
i can't remember
6.Who was your first grade teacher?
ms chu (not chu yun sil!!)
7.Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
uh... must ask my parents. but i think it's japan
8.When did you snuck out of your house for the first time?
i did a lot of times... i can't remember
9.Who was your first best friend?
i forgot his name
10.Who is your best friend?
jerome, chang joon
11.Where was your first sleepover?
uh... my grandparents house in m'sia, i think
12.Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
tinkle friend
13.Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid/Groomsman?
??? i never was one. is there such a thing as flower boy? nvm, i was something like that in uncle jarod and aunt lydia's wedding
14.Whats the first thing you do when you got up this morning?
scold my mum for waking me up... she woke me up at 6+ leh! i was damn tired... i slept for a while longer anyway
15.First tattoo/piercing?
16.First celebrity crush?
never had one
17. First crush?
never had one
2:23 PM
WTH! I passed my electone exam by 1 point. I got 0 which is good enough to pass. The Salad Song, I got C and C (0 points). The Chicken Little song, I got B and C (B is 1 pt). Sight Playing, I got C (I expected B). Then Improvisation, I got D and D (-1 points x 2 = -2). Hearing saved me... (B and C) I'm damn lucky sia!
I haven't been talking about school... You have to forgive me. I've been really busy slacking. Anyway, yesterday, we had mentoring. And Mrs Chui was talking about the spam emails. It was a waste of time, if you asked me. I didn't find the meaning of talking to us about that. Oh yeah... Before that, the announcements. Mrs Chui gave us all the letter that the school is declaring Jerome's birthday a holiday. Jerome, you lucky poop! Then, Mr Suresh was talking to the school about the school holiday. In the General Office, he was reading off the letter Mrs Chui gave us. He might as well ask us to read ourselves, right?
Later, MT... Chang and I were playing soccer. But the Sun came over cos he needed the small court for PE for his class. I really wanna kill him. Anyway, we atleast had some time to play. We played one-on-one. I won! It's damn funny! I curled the ball around him both ways, right and left and scored. Then, I kicked over him and scored too. He was damn pissed. So he cheat. He pulled me and whenever, I broke free and scored, he'd say foul. He's really funny, I tell you.
Physics... I didn't do the assignment. So I did on the spot. Teacher didn't realise, fortunately cos I'm right at the back. Then, we didn't do any activity. It was entirely a lecture.
English... Ms Chan and her usual boring self.
CCA! Finally, after more than 2 months, I played badminton again. Fortunately, I didn't lose a lot of skills. I played a while and was back to my old self. Then, the school change coach again. I hate this man! My racquet is still with Aaron Tan Wei Kiat. He said he'll restring but he ran away. I'll have to ask Sun for his number. Anyway, the new coach is quite unique. He doesn't look at our shots but rather our footwork. Then, later... He serve the shuttle and we have to return it. He's damn fast man! The only bad thing about him is that he talks a lot. He has a lot to share and so, we have less training time. Later, Brandon and I playing singles. I won the first set. The last part, I was a bit shaky. I was leading 17-10 and then I made mistakes and the game ended 21-16. Second set, I trailed him almost the whole game by 1 or 2 points. He made me run a lot. Then, got one rally... I run to the back and sprinted to the front and fell. Then, he hit in front... I didn't miss. But I missed the next one after I recovered. You know why? Because of 3 idiots! Wendelyn, Vanessa and Ischelle. I saw them and said "Ass ar?" I missed immediately. They shall die! Oh yeah, I had this motto during the game. "Go for the kill!" I'll kill him in the third set next time...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
5:36 PM
Today, I had the funniest ride on the train in my whole life. Jerome and I encountered two mental retards. Seriously! Retarded as act like those people in IMH. I'm not joking.
The first guy... Jerome was doing sudoku and I was helping him. Suddenly, retard no.1 came along... He was grinning retardedly and "shooting" us... the toddler kinda way! I responded... the same shooting way. Then, he go shoot me at close range! Less than 5cm from my face... WTH! Then, we just ignore him. He's retarded man!! Then, Andy said he's lucky that he only on the train for one stop. DAMN HIM! We're stuck on the train with a retard for don't know how long! He alighted at Dhoby Ghaut anyway.
2nd retard... He's an old man. He looked damn stupid, I tell you... He wore a tie and tried to look smart. But what he did was stupid. He stood like he was doing a stunt. Like a balancing act... The type where you bend your knees and stand like a ninja. Then later, got one empty seat. He point fingers. He point at some random dude and pointed to the seat. To make him sit lah...
Jerome and I were laughing too hard. My stomach hurt man!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
2:55 PM
OH MY GOD! I passed my electone exam!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it... I wasn't supposed to be knowing today. The results were out from Plaza Sing on Thursday and somebody from our centre was going to collect it on Monday. But our teacher had an informer in Plaza Sing... 2 others from my class passed but my sis failed :(... Yeah, anyway, I'm done with this post. Just needed to share good news... Nvm, I'll talk about MO too...
Basically, I was listening to my mp3 the whole time and wasn't really concentrating. It's pretty much the reason why I didn't complete the assigned task. So, I brought it home. I lazy to do... Anyway, our class boys are so lame. We keep disturbing Kevin. Yi Rong was damn funny. Everytime he spoke to Kevin, he ended his sentence with "you faggot". So it's like... blah blah blah, you faggot! LOL...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
7:22 PM
The purpose of this post is mainly to give Mr Jerome Chong some fame... The first pic looks wrong but... nothing! I'm seriously feeling damn lousy. I can't go to school! During lessons, I get bad headaches. And my nose is not letting me inhale. I have to use my mouth. Nothing new in school these days... Today, I took my Chem quiz. I died. But I was reincarnated. My classmates did the exact same quiz. I should have just asked them! Even during the quiz, I had the temptation to call some people to check answers for me. But I didn't cos I don't take steroids. Anyway, I busy... Got Chem and Physics to hand in tmr... KK, I removed the pics for obvious reasons.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Yes! I didn't go school!!
10:06 PM
Today, I didn't go school cos I managed to convince my parents that I really wasn't well. Next, I have to try the same for tomorrow. I woke up at like 8.15 and finished up the instant noodles that was left on the oven. Later, I was told that that wasn't my breakfast. Anyway, after that, I wasted time till evening... Today, people had to take the Chem weird quiz. I managed to escape. I might just have to take it the next time Ms KOH sees me. I sleepy already... I took Panadol, Zyrtec and some weird thing. I'm as good as drunk. The only difference is that I don't do stupid stuff.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm ill!!!
8:27 PM
Last night, I went to bed, well and fine... At 2+am, I woke up cos I sneezed and the disgusting stuff was coming out. For 1 hour, I couldn't sleep because of that. I really sneezed a lot! And consequently, I woke up 15 mins late. I went to school with a blocked nose. The sneezing really was freaking annoying. I used up my whole tissue packet.
Temperature taking... I forgot my pencil case in my catechism bag. Thermo was inside. I had to go GO. (i had to go go... lol!) The people there were really weird. For about 6 months, I brought my thermo like a guai boy everyday. For the first time, I forgot it. And the GO people were like: "Why didn't you bring your thermometer??" It's not the type of tone which demands a response. It's the tone which is as if I just annoyed them.
Fast forward... English! Boring... Maths! Mrs Chui realised that I was feeling unwell and asked whether I wanted a mask and whether I wanted to go home. I declined both... My temperature was fine anyway. But my headache was really bad.
I regret three things I did today.
1. Play soccer 2. Buy cold drinks 3. Play basketball
Just now, I tried to sleep off my headache. I really couldn't because of my nose. I don't know how to describe. I think I not going school tomorrow... I really can't. Home-based learning then?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
12:14 AM
First MO advanced training... The trainer's name is Dr Chua Seng Kiat. I somehow believe I've seen him before. It's RECMEL leh. The people who came to Rosyth last time. I really have this feeling that I've seen his face before. If I'm not wrong, it was the MO at Rosyth. Haikal and I were creating trouble for him that time. I think it's the same guy... I didn't ask him to confirm my suspicions. But I'll probably ask him next lesson. Anyway, he was wasting time with his intro today. He kept talking about random stuff like using calculators, the IMO, TYS. Yeah, those miscellaneous stuff... Anyway, I went for electone after that. I was like 45 minutes late. I wanted to get back my results but I didn't. If I don't get next week, I'll complain! jkjk...
In the evening, sis and I went to Hearts on Fire thingy at CJC. First person I saw was No-L (Noel). He was his usual self, the talkative sort. But he was sleepy today. A while later, I saw Nicholas, the cool guy. Nicholas is weird I tell you... But so am I. When the thing ended, Nicholas was worrying a lot about which bus would take us home. We took 151 anyway. It was about 10.30.
Then, went to Mac's and I ordered an Extra Value Meal but that person didn't give the fries! Then, I asked my sis to go ask the person for me. Then, Nicholas asked me to be a man. My excuse: I'm a gentleman. I don't want to embarass Mac's in front of everybody. When we were about to leave, the rest of the Nativity gang came in with a cake. Then I saw Gareth and Kenneth. They claimed they went for the Hearts on Fire but I didn't see them. Obviously, they're lying... I'm being biased. Yeah, I don't care!
Friday, July 10, 2009
8:48 PM
Sometimes the ones you trust most are the ones who hurt you most... I'm not going to elaborate and narrate what happened. Some people already know... Obviously, Jerome is one of them. Yesterday, we had English and Math and French. And lessons were quite normal. Interesting things happened... Eunice's ball went missing... obviously stolen! Ananda trying to act cool and landed Gerald's ball in the huge drain. Today, as Jerome and I were walking to the bus stop, we noticed that it was really very very easy to get the ball. Currently, I have completely no idea how Gerald got back his ball.
Today, mentoring was boring... MT was weird. Jung Min and I captured some pics... Then, Physics was boring again. But as usual, the handphone temptation was present. Later, we played soccer during lunch. We took Joshua's ball without permission. That bugger damn selfish... Not giving details... English was basically the presentations. We all had the plan to delay time. So the solution was to ask a lot of questions. In 70 minutes, only 3½ presentations were done. Amelia Thai EXPRESS was supposed to present today. She had this video which lasted only 2 seconds. She claims that it's supposed to be 6 minutes long. But she can't hide the truth from me. She didn't even complete lor! Her video only shows her saying good morning to Ms Chan and nothing more... Then, during Dawn or Dousabel's presentation, Ms Chan just lost her tolerance. She heard Hiu Fung tell some people to ask a lot of questions to delay time but she claimed that she saw through it herself. Again, she can fool anyone but not me... After school, went Subway @ Vivo with Jerome.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
6:52 PM
It's 3 weeks to Jerome's birthday... I've been wondering what I should get him. But of course, I won't tell anyone. It's a secret that isn't meant to be revealed. Today was really fun and funny. First, ACE! We did the learning style quiz kinda thing. We did that before in Rosyth GE. The visual, auditory and kinesthetic one... I'm kinesthetic!
Teacher: Who got very dominant learning style? (Means like very obvious like that) I raised my hand Teacher: What's yours? Me: What do you think? Teacher: (thinks for a while) Might not be kinesthetic... Me: (starts laughing)
Anyway, we played soccer later. It was really one of the most epic ever... Jerome and Hiu Fung were quarrelling. Of late, Hiu Fung has had heaty arguments with quite a few people. The other day it was Gerald and previously, Benjamin. I'll probably be next... The court was really slippery. I fell a few times. Probably, the most... Joshua fell once and pulled me down along with him. One time, I fell and twisted my knee. I was limping but after a while, it was okay. But the pain didn't go... I couldn't run much for the rest of the day. Later, Maths... We just started on Matrices today and apparently, reached page 9, excluding the examples. Teacher was complaining that we were too far behind schedule. After temp taking, we went to play soccer but very few were playing. So we just took shots. Out of about 10 shots, not more than 2 went in. 3 were completely out of target and about 4-5 hit post. That's epicness... We went back for HUMANities and argh, boring! That was until Joshua asked Mrs Lim if she was Mr Lim Teng Hong's wife. He's damn daring! Then later, someone voiced: "Andy Lim!" LOL! OMG... This was really funny. MT was after that and CJ and I went to have lunch. After lunch, we went to see the CL people. Their teacher didn't come... And they were still stuck in class. Choose freedom, dudes! We went to play soccer. Took shots until Vivek and Charles came... Played a match. Then, they chose new team and went to play in the field. Dominique show off, he join them. We were happier without him. Then, we played some unfair game with Jun Hyeok and co. We won 1-0... It was damn damn damn damn damn funny!!! The one and only goal came from Zheng Huan! But it was an own goal... Amidst, the confusion, I attempted a shot and with Zheng Huan's assistance, the score favoured us. Jun Hyeok came very close to scoring from a free kick. Shao Wei blocked... And the ball actually hit his *down there*!!! LOL! ZOMG... Da Vinci was so-so...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
7:38 PM
Today was quite scary... Teachers were damn amazing. Mr Sun asked me to shut my mouth cos I complained that Jun Jet wasn't doing warm up. He's such a loser! But I don't care about him cos he failed as a sex ed teacher. He lost his dick to an idiot. Earlier, we played soccer. I scored two and could have made it 3. Jun Hyeok blocked the penalty. Bloody idiot! As much as I hate him now, he hates me cos I scored two goals. Joshua made it three with an awesome penalty. PE was ultra boring and stupid today. I didn't understand the significance of what we did. Later, chem... Well, it was quite fun la. On the tutorial worksheet, they ask what was the state symbol of elemental bromine, chlorine and iodine. The elemental part I change to mental and said Eunice was mental. The way she was behaving was really mental. But suddenly, Ms KOH (Potassium Hydroxide) came out of nowhere and started questioning me why I was making fun of chem terms. That was super funny. Chem was fun lar... Played soccer again and scored again! Yes! I even scored from left leg. That proves that Julian is great. No need to ask for autograph... French now! Actually, it was fun also. Except for the part teacher kept asking me why I wasn't taking notes. Then, at times, I was talking to Joshua or Jeremy and he glared at me for like 7-8 seconds. Scary sia! e
Sunday, July 5, 2009
My weekend... (so far)
3:34 PM
Yesterday, I went electone class. Argh, it sucked! Even the teacher could see I was bored... Reason: My usual organ was shifted out and what was in its place was one of the suckiest organs around. And I didn't get back my exam result. Nothing much after that... Today, I went West Coast Plaza for the sudoku competition. I managed to complete 3/4. But Gerald was really pro! He completed all... Only thing is that he screwed one up because he put two of the same numbers in one box and he claims he anyhow do the rest. Then, on our tables, got 3 small cartons of some Marigold drink. Nothing inside... I wanted to take them home and fool someone. But they didn't say we could take it. Inside our goodie bag got some $5 vouchers. Then later... LUNCH! We were just ready to eat at Subway. That stupid Amelia lar! She wanted Mac or FCK (KFC). So I scissors, paper, stone her and lost pathetically. I didn't even win one and argh!!! I don't wanna talk about it. Amelia Thai Express will pay for this. I don't care! I lost because she had steroids.Then, we took bus to Clementi Central and went FCK. I had Banditto. It was damn nice cos they just reintroduced it. But Subway would have been better. After eating, we played tap tap.
1. Eunice used steroids and won Gerald. 2. I won Gerald although Gerald took steroids. 3. Gerald wouldn't give up. He wanted a rematch but Eunice and her steroids proved too strong for him. 4. Eunice vs Hui Min (steroids vs steroids) The battle of whose steroids were more effective. 5. I vs Eunice.... I almost beat the steroids. Actually, I gave her a chance cos later I scared she eat me up.
Then, there was the prank calls which failed epicly. Ahh, then went home...... LOL! On the MRT, Eunice sleeping. It was really funny. She sleep until her head like very hyperactive. Cannot stay still. I wanted to take photo but I was in the midst of playing a hp game. Oh yeah, I remember taking photos of Jerome sleeping on the train before. But it's stored in that lost phone. SAD....
Friday, July 3, 2009
got owned...
6:32 PM
Today was really fun... First, my whole group screwed up the pledge. Eunice, Hui Min, Jerome and I used left hand for the pledge. Shao Wei scratching his ass made it even funnier. As soon as we were told that we could sit, all 4 of us burst out laughing. Lol, you know where we learned about this left hand thing? It was from Mr Chong Shao Wei. Some days ago, he used his left hand by mistake and quickly switched when he realised it but too late... I saw it! Later, Chang Joon and I were in the canteen cos I didn't finish my Physics. Yeah, then later, my French teacher came.
French teacher: Good morning, Julian! (french) Me: Good morning... (french) French teacher: What are you doing? (french) Me: My homework (english) French teacher: What's homework in French? (english) Me: I don't know. (english) French teacher: (Whatever he said... de voir or something. I didn't really catch it) Me: Oh... French teacher: Is it Maths? (french) Me: No, physics... (french) French teacher: Oh, physics...
He gave me a real scare, you know! The past two French lessons were utterly screwed up. He asked us stuff and when we said we didn't know... He would scold us as though he had taught us before and we forgot. Anyway, later, we played soccer... Today, I found myself getting back to my usual self. We beat our opponents 5-0... I scored 2! One free kick, one damn nice high ball... Jerome was seriously amazing today. The way he played... just astonished me. There was one time, he made a shot at goal which was really damn gay. Shao Wei keeper and he actually saved it... But!!! Jerome really made laugh till my stomach hurt when he did something really amazing. He took a penalty when somebody handballed. Shao Wei saved his penalty... I couldn't find anything funnier than that...
Anyway, later Physics... And we got our new groupings. In front of me is a very big monster by the name of Tan Wrong. She really blocked my view of the screen. Other people in my group are Chang Joon, Kevin, Joshua and Yinan. Later, we did an activity. Only the boys did actually... The girls only took the answers. Anyway, while we were doing the activity, Hiu Fung, Jerome and Andy (who were in the same group) were playing dare or dare. Weird stuff happened... Nothing scandalous enough though.
English was damn fun for the first time. Chang Joon's presentation was simply the best today. It was really funny. One of his 5 objects was an umbrella. His idea was something related to protection. Umbrella protects people from the rain. Then, people started talking about Chang Joon being scared of water. Questions were raised... Chang Joon was scared of bathing? He should take an umbrella with him into the bathroom next time. Another of his objects was Ms Chan's laptop! The idea was about modern technology. Everyone was really amazed at his creativity. He used an object that he didn't even bring (although he brought his own one) and didn't even belong to him. Okay, that's about all today...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Day 4 at school.... (this sem, duh?)
7:47 PM
Today, um... Where do I start? Okay, English first, I guess. Yun Sil was supposed to go first but she didn't bring her 5 objects or something... So, someone else had to go first and that was (drumroll)............................... JEROME! Haha, he was quite pitiful. His slides were good. Eye-contact wasn't there. That was probably the only drawback till I made it worse. Cos I was his peer-reviewer... Teacher asked to ask Jerome a question or give comments. I made a big error. I asked him a question. I thought it was an easy one. Turned out that he took a few minutes (I don't know to think or what) and didn't even answer. I asked him to state a few qualities of the main character. He managed to answer the next few questions luckily. My presentation was quite good, I guess. I said some crap but Eunice Chan managed to approve of it somehow. Yeah... Then, Maths later. Nothing really happened. After that, eventful! Many things happened... My locker was hacked. I won't tell you how though. We played soccer. I simply sucked today. Because of me, about 5 goals went in the wrong goal when we played today. Not own goal but because of bad defence... I'm really guilty but it's normal. But I managed to score! We played this game... I bad defence and a goal went in... Then comeback campaign took less than 30 seconds. We scored 2 goals! Pro, right? No doubt... Then, Gerald didn't want Jun Hyeok and Dominique to play cos he really ticked him off on Tuesday. But then, when we were going to the field, two idiotic assholes told Dominique we were going to play. Seriously, they were bitches! Why did they? But anyway, we trounced them 6-4. I scored two, I think. One was supposed to be a free kick but they didn't form a wall so it was kinda penalty but it was too far to be a penalty. Jun Hyeok was keeper but I managed to score. The other goal(s) I forgot le... But I'm seriously off-form. Ok, talk about badminton... I saw Leon today at 5th floor. Then, we were talking about I scold Johnny for putting chairs and tables in the hall and after I scold, Leon play. The whole conversation evolved into a whole lot of crap. Argh, no CCA tomorrow because of stupid MOE. I love badminton but it's been ages since I held the racquet. Besides, my racquet is with the coach. DAMN! Best one somemore...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
10:31 PM
Second post today... I'm really bored. So I'll talk about random stuff. Yesterday, we took height and weight. I am 161.5cm and 44kg. Amazing? Yeah... Today, we saw Da Vinci teachers. They are.... Ms Lim and Mr Valles! About Ms Lim, I'm plain neutral. About Mr Valles, I'm simply happy. Last sem, we had the worst teachers. This sem, our teachers rock! Okay, new topic... Today, ACE finished a few mins earlier so we were about to Mrs Chui about Facebook. We asked her stupid stuff like what's her level in Restaurant City and rank in MouseHunt. It was quite funny... New topic! Um, no CCA this week... Like wth! Not fair lor... New topic! Got construction going on outside our class and it's super distracting sia... They said they'll keep the noise minimal. My head ar minimal! New topic! Today, during humanities (I call it humanities cos the module is history, geog and econs combined), we were talking about Development and ideas that are related. Our group started talking about PS4 and XBOX 361. We said that it was the product of future development. Then, we came up with Osama and said that he is an imminent threat to development. I tell you... with Jerome beside me, there has never been a day when he hasn't made me laugh. Andy... There has never been a day when he hasn't made racist remarks and teased me and somebody. K lar... I stop liao
School's started...
8:25 PM
School started on Monday, sadly. I really don't get MOE and MOH. They should act responsibly by closing schools. The number of cases is now 701. We beat NZ, Spain, Panama, Dominican Republic and Indonesia. Soon, we'll overtake HK. Nvm, let's talk about school... Monday was cool. Nothing really interesting... We met our Humanities teacher. She's the teacher who scolded Chang Joon and I at X-country for no reason. We didn't even do anything wrong. We were just joking with people. There was nothing offensive. Anyway, she seemed quite fun. But I still hate her for scolding us.
Yesterday... was funner cos there was French. Yeah, anyway, um, we have a new dude in French. He's a Year 3 guy. He's a nerd, no doubt. Then, while Chang Joon, Andy and I were in the canteen, Jerome told me something happened at the table tennis place. Dominique was being a bitch again. But this time, it was Gerald who got pissed and hurled vulgarities at him. Seriously, Dominique is a arrogant show-off. Later, we were playing soccer. He go kick the ball freaking far and didn't want to take it. He said he wasn't playing anymore and walked off. Somebody retrieved the ball and immediately, he was back. He is simply too proud. And I HATE HIM!!! He can go and die...
Today, we had ACE in the morning. The subject was career-based. Teacher was talking about choosing the right career. And she was promoting teaching as a career. And I seriously considered it. But there are so many other options out there... Teaching doesn't pay that much. That's about the only disadvantage. But I love children. Yeah, whatever! No one brought a ball today so we couldn't play soccer. K lar, nothing much happened. And I gotta go too. My mum is calling...