Yes! Monsters win!
9:29 PM
Today, humans went to GV to watch Monsters vs Aliens. Some of the humans were Gerald, Jerome and I. Two monsters joined three of us and they are Amelia and Eunice. First, we went to Subway. Seriously, we are going to Subway too often. Oh, anyway, I asked the person there to give me lettuce, tomato and cucumber but then, that stupid idiot put all inside. But being myself, I hate to argue and ask them to remove the extra unwanted veggies. If Jerome was there, he'd have pulled me with him and ordered them to remove the stuff I didn't ask for. Before we could sit down to eat, movie was gonna start le... So we rushed to the theatre with the food. The movie was damn damn funny. You seriously should watch it. It was so much funnier than Night at the Museum 2. After the movie, we went to arcade. First, we played table soccer. It was a waste. We do the oh-ya-bey-ya-some and it was Amelia and I vs Gerald and Eunice. Then the stupid Amelia made me take defence. She midfield and striker. Please lar! Even in real life, I play offensive midfield or striker only. As a result, the score read 5-0 at the end of about 1 min. After that, I played mostly racing games. It was the funnest game around. Then, got this game... Me and Jerome playing. But then, we realised that it was 4-player so two other people down there. During the race, got this part I was ramming into Jerome's car. At the end, we didn't know who reach the line first. It was super close. Cars fighting and you don't know who won. But turned out that the results were in perfect order from right to left. Jerome 1st, me 2nd, the next guy 3rd and the last guy 4th. Oh btw, holidays started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Day of School
11:05 PM
Today, numerous things happened... I wanted to play soccer so badly but then, the seniors were using the courts most of the time and some people also don't want to play. I remember a few days before the exams, I was on a scoring spree. I played 3 games in a day and scored hat-tricks for all. That was probably my best day of soccer ever. But today, I was totally off. 4 games, 1 hat-trick... Then, while we were playing once, Gerald suddenly came and said we needed to go theatrette. Waste of time sia! We went there to get our English Journals, exam papers and Readers' Digest. Gah! Anyways, I got 45/60 for my journal. I'm part of the worse half of the class. The first five components, I scored straight 7s upon 10s.
Later, we got back our progress reports. I check espace and found that mine was 4.19 but that was GPA, not CAP. CAP was 4.36! YES! French pulled up my CAP like... nothing. After school, we went to Subway again. Oh, before that, we went Timezone but got chased out cos we were wearing sch uni. That's all, I guess.
Today, we went somewhere for our Post-Exam Activities. Marina or something like that... I learnt a lot of things today. Most of them were not related to what we were supposed to learn. An example... I never knew that the waters in front of Esplanade belonged to the Singapore River. Epic, I know... We went to a lot of places like Suntec, Millenia Walk and CityLink Mall. At the end of the day, BORING! It seriously sucked. I don't wanna talk about it. Just that some parts were a bit interesting... About 10.30am, we went to MAC. YAY! Then, got this part... Damn sick! Yan Hao was holding his booklet and then he was swinging like a fan. Then, later he hit the facilitator's butt. Super funny!
Anyway, when we came back to school, we had to stay back for History drama. Our group had the shortest one but most cutest simply cos Gerald and I wore pink under-sized hairbands. Then, after all the groups presented, Shao Wei wanted his individual script to be dramatised. Loser sia! He got no team spirit lor. After he did his group's presentation, he wants the whole group to act out his script. Then later, he was tearing up his script. Sucker... Jerome went near him, didn't say a word... He earned a punch in the stomach. Hear this again. Little nerd punches big kid for no apparent reason. Later, Jerome confront him but he didn't say anything. He just ran away.
Here are some reasons why Yan Hao rocks
Intellectual ability - He accelerated Maths to Year 3
Awesome aiming - He throw a whiteboard marker to the teacher and landed it straight on her face
Ambitious desires to touch people at the wrong places - You know what I'm talking about
Ultra sporty - Top class goalkeeper... I shall not say more
Looks very smart - He tucks in his T-shirt like an intelligent man
Here are some reasons why Shao Wei sucks
Troubles everyone - He gives everyone problems because of his size. It's hard to communicate with him. We can't see tiny nerdy electrons.
Signature action - That stupid sweat thing
Doesn't understand English - We ask him to get lost but he doesn't understand
Sabotage others with his loud voice - If he has a problem, he will not tell the teacher. Instead, he will announce loudly: "Julian, stop eating in class!" Those kinda shit... (I don't eat in class btw.)
He flirts with the wrong people - M09102 people, you should know what I'm talking about...
I'll extend the list if I can... Oh shucks! I was supposed to take dozens of pics over the past two days but the battery cannot come out. So cannot charge... So, die lar!
9:01 PM
First thing we had in class was an unwanted workshop. Social graces and etiquette workshop... It was boring. But then, the presenter was quite sick. She touched people at wrong places. Then, got this part - she showed the boys how to cross their legs when sitting on a chair and then she was wearing a skirt somemore. But I DIDN'T see anything. Then, got this workshop about being polite, etc... How to shake people's hands and other rubbish. It was boring again. But the presenter was a bit more interesting. Both workshops were from the same company but different content. One was more of content and the other was more practical.
Anyway, after a break, we had a public speaking workshop. First, the person chose someone to come up and choose a random number. The number determined the topic you had to speak about. When you're done, you have to choose a friend to go up. Eunice sabo me. Oh yeah, it was supposed to be Jerome but apparently, Hiu Fung, Jerome and I changed our names. So I had to go. My topic was something about Singlish. I forgot what it exactly was. Anyway, I had quite a few points to speak about but the whole class kept laughing at almost every sentence I said. I couldn't control my laughter. A while later, Shao Wei had to go up. He was the worst.
1. He requests for time to think - 2 mins
2. He speaks half a sentence - 3 seconds
3. He thinks for a while - 30 seconds
4. He completes his sentence - 1 second
5. He thinks for a while - 4 mins
6. He tells the person that he would like to change his topic.
Observe how much of our precious time was wasted because of him. Also note the ratio of time taken to think : time taken to speak. He got a new topic anyway. It was about teenagers and serious relationships. He spoke about 2 sentences and ended off by saying: "Therefore, I think that teenagers should not be involved in too many relationships." So they can get into a few relationships? This was the funniest thing he said. Anyway, later, the person asked everyone to speak publicly about himself/herself cos some of the topics in the person's list were too confusing for the pupil. I was probably the one who spoke for the longest period. But again, I was laughing a lot. I was basically talking crap. For instance, I talked about the canteen being a nice place.
Okay! I'm done with school. Eh wait... There was this talk by the police after the public-speaking. Basically, they covered everything we already know. Alright... After school, I went to Vivo with Jerome and Andy. We watched Night at the Museum 2. Great movie! Quite funny but not that much... There was a really funny part where this guy tells two monkeys to slap the common enemy(the bad guy) instead of each other and then, the monkeys slapped him. After the movie, Andy needed to return home. Jerome and I went to Subway... and we ate heartily like there was no tomorrow.
I've got mixed feelings about French and MO. For French, I got 128/150 and 23/40 for MO. I was quite elated when I got my French paper. I thought it was simply impossible. I spent so little time revising. And all that I had revised had no relation to any question in the paper. I had to rely solely on memory and luck. The last page of the paper was simply a killer. I got 3/11 for one of the sections. Anyway, I didn't do badly for the rest of the paper so I managed to get a not so bad score... 85%! Whoops, did I say I was highest? Apparently, I haven't... Alright, you're in for a surprise - I'm highest!! WHOO!!!!!!!! That was lame. Yep, I was highest for the second consecutive paper. Second highest was 120 and third was 117 and fourth was 116.
Now for Math Olympiad... I aimed for 25 but got 24. There was a mistake and it became 23. What if I hadn't been so honest? I regret what I did... Honesty doesn't pay. I really wish I had kept my mouth shut. I'm not really that happy with MO. But the good thing is I BEAT ANDY! It's normal... He used to be quite pro at Maths. He got Platinum for SMOPS but his colours are fading.
Later in the morning, we watched a french movie. It's called Taxi 2. It was absolutely marvellous. But the glamour was stolen because there were no subtitles. So pathetic! It was really interesting but nvm...
I feel like cursing...
8:18 PM
Today was script-checking for my main papers.
English: 19/25 (paper i) + 16½/25 (paper ii) = 34½/50 Better than I had expected!
Maths: 13/15 + 26/40 = 39/55.. :( This was my worst result. I mean the most hated. Didn't expect so low and not supposed to get so low.
History: 32/40 Okay lar but not up to expectations. But I didn't revise so it's acceptable.
The first bio paper: 24½/40
Bio II (Basics of Cell Biology): 25/50 This was the worst result but I have good news and bad news. The good news: I passed. The bad: I am one of the lowest in the level... probably the lowest.
Physics: 53½/70 Yes!! So much improvement from the 24½/45! But it's about average now...
I feel like shouting 'shit' so loud. If I could, I would replace 'shit' with another four-letter word. ARGH!
Mammy! It's over!!!
7:10 PM
Yesterday was really quite fun. I was supposed to join... Wait! Before that, Gerald, Amelia, Tan Rong, Eunice and Hui Min are not allowed to read this post. Or they will kill me. Okay, so the 5 of you, scram! Read the next post, not this. Alright, so I was supposed to join Gerald and the four girls for a lunch, movie, and other stuff. But, it was all pre-planned (with Jerome) that I won't go.
Then, Jerome came to my house yesterday. I met him at MRT, got meals from KFC (coincidentally, they also ate KFC) and came home to eat. Then, Jerome took so much trouble to finish up his food but he eventually did. Later, we played PGR 2 on X-Box and Winning 11 after that. After that, he use my laptop and went to and played this impossible quiz. It was damn damn funny and obviously quite difficult. You should try it... Oh yeah, while playing X-Box, Gerald called and after a few minutes, Eunice called and not long later, Tan Rong called. Gerald smsed Jerome and asked for my house number earlier. Anyway, when each of them called, Jerome picked up the phone, imitated a father's voice and told each of them that I had gone out to meet my friends. They really believed!!
Anyway, later, we went to Timezone and played a lot. It was the funn-est part of the day. We played Street Basketball, Pinball, Bowling and some game which has no name. Bowling was really damn funny. We were supposed to roll the ball. But I started throwing... Then later, Jerome also threw the ball. And then, got this man standing nearby... He got a shock and was staring at Jerome. Basketball was probably the best part of it all.
After playing, we went to SweetTalk to buy a drink. The previous time I went there, I pissed one person off. I ordered a drink and waited a while and ran off. But this time, the person wasn't there. So I could buy my drink without fear. That's about all for yesterday.
Today, we went to music class and I realised that I am slacking too much. Later, my sis and I decided to check out the Circle Line. It was open to public today. Wait, I mean... It was FOC to public. It was like open house today. Then, we went from Serangoon to Bishan. The train is a lot smaller than the usual ones. And it's more cool. But, I won't be using it much. Oh yeah, then we went to KFC for lunch again. I had exactly the same thing as yesterday. On the way back, we went to SweetTalk but I saw that lady!! I scooted off. I didn't need any drink. SCARY! That April Fools' trick was kinda daring...
The biggest joke!!!
8:37 PM
I know I promised to show the thing which my sis and I made for mum and expose the biggest joke. But I can't find the camera... Ahh! I was asking my sis where the camera was. She didn't know. After searching for 5 mins, I asked her when the last time she used it was. Then, she said: "Oh, you were asking about camera, ah? It's inside that bag." What was I asking about? Nvm... Anyway, here it is.
I'm wondering if the cool mom should be barbecued, steamed, fried, grilled or baked. Give me ideas... I have no idea how on earth this happened. But I felt that we should execute the instructions provided.
Anyway, yesterday, we went to church for the feast of The Ascension. 40 days after Easter, if I'm not wrong. Then, after mass, I followed Augustine and Maverick cos they were having dinner but I didn't eat cos my dinner was waiting at home. Then we were talking about the car getting destroyed when it hits Augustine while Augustine will be standing there as though nothing happened. So evil...
Today, something similar happened... After mass, I went with Augustine, Matthew and Bervyn cos they were eating dinner. But again, I didn't eat. In the end, only Bervyn was eating. Then, the jokes again... Matthew was telling us how somebody mispronounced his sister's name. It was seriously damn funny. I choked on my drink. But I'm still alive. Later, went home and here I am now...
Yay!! So excited... Tomorrow will be the day when I will be relieved of all my stress, anxiety and worries. Exams will be over!!! French left but I seriously don't know what will be tested. Gah... Anyway, today's Math Olympiad was quite easy. Not that easy but easier than I expected... I'm quite sure I can pass but I'm aiming 30/40. Oh yeah, remember my sis and I made something for Mama's Day? I noticed something in it... I'll take a pic and probably post it up here tomorrow. It's really funny.
Let's fail Maths Olympiad!
11:04 PM
Whee... I think I'm ready to fail Maths Olympiad. Even if I revised, I'd still fail. No hope... Yesterday, we went to someone's house. When we were there, there was this cute little toddler. He was super funny. All the other kids were more or less well-behaved till he came. He pulled down his pants and showed off his superior quality diapers and he almost pulled down his diapers too. Then, there was a dog in the house which we never saw, cos it was upstairs and we didn't go there. This kid cried when the dog barked loudly and his parents told him to behave or "bow bow" will come.
This morning, church and the usual stuff... Lunch and dinner have been super funny. Everyone laughing entirely because of me. I started laughing first... Wish me luck for my remaining papers!
Exams are over: 1. if I hadn't taken French and just continued with Malay and 2. if I had rejected that offer to join Maths Olympiad. But no... Exams aren't over. Maths Olympiad on Monday and French on Tuesday. I don't really care about Maths Olympiad cos I don't think I wanna include it in CAP computation. Anyway, I failed the common test for MO - 12/30. But French is kinda important. I have done quite okay in French so far. I don't wanna let it go to waste. Hopefully, it will pull up my CAP. Yesterday was Bio... Uh, I am dead. No, that should be future tense. So it's supposed to be I will be dead. There were some stuff I really didn't know cos I didn't revise or I didn't understand why that question came out. There was this graph where the point, on the x axis, did not start from 0. They asked us why. Like how the hell would we know????? Physics today was relatively easy. But I can't guarantee that I will do well. Good luck to me luh...
Elsewhere, weird things are happening... I wonder if everyone encounter incidents like I do. Sometimes I really can't understand some people. I feel like calling some of them retarded. No more details... You can try replacing the word "elsewhere" with another word or phrase. I'm not telling though.
Exams, stress and headaches
12:33 PM
Yesterday, I was one of the lucky few who managed to escape the mother tongue exam. So, I stayed at home and did... revision! Only a bit... Today was Maths but I seriously never knew we needed a calculator. I got owned!! But luckily Mrs Chui lent me one. Oh ya! Talking about getting owned, Benjamin got owned like mad yesterday!! The paper was 1½ hours and he arrived 45 minutes late. But not his fault la... The bus late mah! Then, he didn't get extra time. Poor thing... Tomorrow is bio and Friday, physics. Next week is maths olympiad and french... ~SIAN~
Happy Vesak Day... to anyone celebrating it. Hmm, today I found it hard to wake up. It was 6.30 leh... We went to church for some family day carnival. So boring... Seriously!! The parents got to play some game while we settled for nothing! We had to make cards for Mama's day. BORING! Nvm... Went out for dinner, um, cos tmr's mama's day. We went to Delhi Restaurant. The food there is great, if you order the right stuff. Kashmiri Naan is best...
Oh yeah! Yesterday was my first exam papers in NUS High. English essay was medium-hard, compre - medium-easy and History was medium. There was lots to memorise for History. I'm so glad it's over. But exams are far from over...
Other news... I lost my phone!! And it rained during X-country so we didn't have to run! Yay!! Okay, bye...