it's good to be home...
11:29 PM
Just came back from Malaysia... We went to Klang this time, instead of Petaling Jaya. I think because we had no close relative to stay with in PJ. So, we stayed with my granduncle and grandaunt. They were very hospitable. My granduncle always made me eat more than I usually do. It's SOP. Everyone does that... First they say: "Eh, Julian! Why so thin? Like your mother!! Must eat more." But my grandaunt wasn't that kind. She always said: "Don't force them la. Later, they'll lose their appetite."
On Saturday, we left at about 5.30am but reached past noon because my dad took the wrong exit. Then, when we finally reached, my granduncle complained because my father didn't call when we were lost. "See la... You wasted wear n tear, time, petrol, money, etc." Later was my four-year-old cousin's birthday in an A & W outlet.
Next day, we went to church in the morning. Then, we went to Tesco. This shopping centre had birds in it. Seriously, birds were flying inside. We went to Aunt Valerie's place for lunch, then Aunt Susan's place and finally, we went to PJ cos it was my grandaunt's 80th birthday. It was a big gathering. We saw some cousins from as far as England and Australia. Also saw my nephew (5) and niece (10) who performed funny magic tricks. The tricks were just too obvious to be called tricks.
This morning, nothing happened... We went to see Uncle Martin and family for lunch. After that, we went to see Grandaunt Hilda. Then, we headed straight for Singapore. Omg, on the expressway back to Singapore, suddenly a monkey jumped out of nowhere and ran straight across the lanes. We almost ran over it. Fortunately, we didn't. Another car ran over that creature and it's now dead. Poor Mr Monkey was a great animal. It never disturbed man till today.
Rule: Be honest no matter what!
Who was your last text from?
- weiying
Where was your profile picture taken?
- I have one?
Your relationship status?
- Meaning?
Have you ever lost a close friend?
- Yep
What is your current mood?
- Excited
What's your brother name (Younger/Older)?
- Sadly, I don't have one.
What's your favorite color(s)?
- Black n white
Where do you wish you were right now?
- Grave... jkjk
Have a crazy side?
- Err, yeah
Ever had a near death experience?
- Of course!
Something you do alot?
- Play
Angry at anyone?
- Maverick
What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
- Don't like anyone... as in "that" way
When was the last time you cry?
- Can't remember
Is there anyone you would do anything for?
- No
What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
- I think about what happens when I wake up.
Who was the last person you talked on the phone?
- Someone... I don't know who it is. The phone was given to me and I just wished the person "merry christmas".
What are your favorite songs?
- No time to list...W
What are you doing right now?
- Doing this quiz
Who do you trust right now?
- Me, myself and I
What is the color of shirt you are wearing now?
- Red
Have you kissed anyone in the past week?
- Can't remember
What is your lucky number?
- negative 13
Describe your life in one word
- No time to think
Have you ever kissed in the rain?
- Don't think so...
Who are you thinking of right now?
- The creator of this quiz
What should you be doing right now?
- Killing the creator of this quiz
If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
- I don't know
What are you listening right now?
- Snow
Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
- Sis? Mum?
Who was the last person who yelled at you?
- Can't remember
Do you act differently around the person you like?
- No
What is your natural color hair?
- White
Who was the last person tat made you laugh?
- Anselm
Today's the eve of Christmas. There's less than an hour till December 25. What happened today? We had to wake up early today to go to church because it was my maternal grandmother's birthday. Special day, right? Christmas eve... But one of my cousins was born on Christmas itself. He's about six now. Wait, no... There's still an hour till he's six. My dad had to work half-day today. I have no idea why. At about mid-afternoon, I felt so weak. Like as though I was drunk... But I napped. Later, we went to church, this time for Christmas. I've finished my religious obligations for Christmas. Tomorrow, there'll be visiting and that's all.
I don't think I'll be posting tomorrow. So, Merry Christmas to all!!!
The chances of going to Genting are very slim now. Dad can't take too many days of leave. We'll be in Malaysia for three days and will waste most of the time visiting. But we might might might go to Sunway Lagoon. Alright... I have to do a quiz but I'm not gonna care about the 10 people. Argh, I can't right-click!!! Ok, no quiz till Phyllis sends me the quiz in an email. Sorry Phyllis...
10:30 PM
Alright, I'll tell you where I got injured. A wound is just below my right eye and that part is swollen. The second wound is a small one on my eyelid. The third is the deepest wound which is above my right eyebrow. All sound like scary wounds... My eyes are fortunately safe. I can still see.
Two down, two to go
7:04 AM
Two days of camp have passed, but there's still two left. I'll just narrate the first two days of camp.
FIRST DAY started with a session with a priest in our church. Then, we played dog and bone for quite some time. After that, we returned to our sleeping area cos we were told to shower and relax while waiting for dinner. A couple of hours passed before we got the green light to go to the canteen for dinner. We had chicken rice. We watched Journey to the Center of the Earth and went to sleep. I decided to listen to Muttons to Midnight on radio. Nothing else for Tuesday...
On the SECOND DAY, I woke up at 3.37am and stayed till morning. We went for mass after which, we had bread and kaya for breakfast. Then, it was complete water fun. We were supposed to play a game called cross-fire or something like that. This game involved water guns. There were two teams and you have to shoot the other team for something (too long to explain). Anyway, when your water guns have no more water, you have no choice but to fill up at the toilets. We were not allowed to fill anywhere else. When there was no more water in my gun, I innocently went to the toilets. When I opened the door, there he was... EJ (senior) was shooting water at us. Not with a water gun. With a hose!!! That was my fist mishap. Second mishap - I attacked Bernard (camp chief) with my water gun repeatedly till he decided to get his revenge. While I was attacking, I didn't realise that he was actually waiting for a pail to get filled with water. I was shocked when I saw the pail. I wanted to escape but there was a corner and I slipped. I got up but before I could run, revenge was fulfilled... I was the first victim of pail-attack. Next, people like EJ, Anselm, Ryan, Gareth and Jonathan (all seniors) received the pail attack.
After getting dried, we went for lunch which was mee siam (I think) and curry. Then, we went for an unamazing race. We finished second miraculously.
Ok, here's the EYE-OPENER. You must have been sleeping while reading the previous paragraphs. But here it goes... We were playing soccer in the sleeping area. I was unlucky to team up with Matthew (same age). When Bervyn (same age) shot the ball towards the goal, somehow Matthew saved it but the ball went in. I was laughing so hard and didn't see a speaker in front of me. CRASH!!! If you get the chance to see my injury, which is very obvious, don't ask why.
Ok, it'll be camp tomorrow. I haven't packed anything yet. If I can't finish packing... I don't have to explain what will happen. It's obvious. I finally decided to connect the camera to the comp.
That is jiejie, staring at a Math problem.
This picture has a story. We were making choc chip cookies and this was before we baked. But I don't have a pic of the end-product. Anyway, after baking, our cookies seemed like thin cake. Obviously, it's thanks to me. I laid them too close to each other.
In just about 48 hours, I'll be gone. Relax lar... I'm just going for camp. Mr Mischief won't die so soon. For 4 days and 3 nights, this blog will have no Julian. Yeah, it's sad. Nope, it isn't. I'll be enjoying myself so there's no reason to be sad. But that doesn't mean you don't tag. Remember the fake bucks? Isn't it very attractive? TAG!!!
Today, we went to NTUC in the afternoon. It was so lame. My mum only brought a 50-dollar note and a one-dollar coin. I only brought a dollar with me while my sis had 50 cents. And then, we exceeded the budget which was 50 bucks. We were trying hard to ensure we didn't exceed $52.50.
The power button on the CPU is loose and the button has fallen in. Now, we have to open up the CPU. That means using the screw driver and opening about 6 screws.
Our tree is up, as I have said. But if you want to see that awesome tree, wait till we put our crib. Yesterday, I watched Singapore vs Myanmar. It was just dirty to see the goalkeeper run and push the referee. Good luck against Indonesia...
Last night, I was on the net when my mum called me from the hall. She seemed half-asleep. I thought she would ask me to make her some coffee or something. But she asked me to turn on the xbox and let her play the cone challenge. It managed to open her eyes a little more. After about an hour, I was about to go to bed. I saw my mum still playing on the xbox, eyes wide open.
The X'mas tree is finally deco-ed. I did the whole thing all by myself with a teeny little help from my mum. We have dozens of decos but it's hard putting them up. I couldn't put two similar ones next to each other and I could only put them at one side of the tree since the other side was facing the wall. Everything was crammed...
A thousand apologies...
9:52 PM
The title of this blogpost reminds me that I forgot to catch Mind Your Language yesterday. Waaaahh! Ok, I have good news. Our tree is finally... still incomplete. Yes, still bare... Everyone was lazy to give it some deco. But the lighting is on it already. Perhaps we'll begin tomorrow.
Today, something really surprising happened. My mum got addicted to my xbox. She nags at me to stop playing and today, the reverse took place. She got hooked onto this cone challenge game. Cone challenge is about manoeuvring a car through pairs of cones in style. You shouldn't knock the cones or bang the railings or you won't get points.
My laptop is ready and we'll be collecting it tomorrow. Yay!!!
Christmas is here again
10:24 PM
We finally "planted" our Christmas tree today. Yes, it looks bare. We haven't put the lights and decos yet.

That's our holly.
Hopefully, our tree will be able to bear its' fruits by tomorrow.
Today, the good boy also cleared up his whole shelf. He is officially ready for sec 1. Wait... Not yet, I guess. I haven't bought my books and other stuff. 18 more days to that day in NUSHS...